
The best cloud platform available is also the most efficient one.

Pioneered by Rocket Scientists, Perfected at CoreSpace


In July 2010, NASA launched a cloud software initiative known as OpenStack.  Their mission statement was “to produce the ubiquitous open-source cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private clouds regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable.”


Today, OpenStack is a cloud workhorse for over half of Fortune 500 companies due to its robust, open, developer-friendly architecture and its economical ability to provide superb cloud benefits while saving significantly on cloud software licensing costs.


OpenStack has many advantages…

Developer Agility

Developer Agility

OpenStack makes your IT department more efficient by allowing your developers to add resources on-demand without the need for administrative approval.



OpenStack makes it easier and more efficient to scale up or down to meet the demands of your organization, whether you are running one or ten-thousand instances.

Lowest Cost of Ownership

Lowest Cost of Ownership

With self-service developer agility, time-wasting central resource ticketing processes become obsolete.  And with no expensive software licensing fees and full compatibility with commodity hardware, OpenStack can drastically reduce overall cloud expenses.

Open to the Future

Open to the Future

OpenStack has the widest compatibility to run all your applications and was purposely built with an API-driven cloud architecture so you can swiftly integrate the latest technologies and make your infrastructure futureproof.

OpenStack was designed to help all types of businesses grow and keep up with changing technologies by keeping things modular.

All of the following OpenStack modules are supported by both CoreSpace and Canonical, the industry leader for OpenStack.

OpenStack Services


NovaCompute Service
ZunContainers Service
QinlingFunctions Service

Hardware Lifecycle

IronicBare Metal Provisioning Service
CyborgLifecycle Management of Accelerators


SwiftObject Storage
CinderBlock Storage
ManilaShared File Systems


OctaviaLoad Balancer
DesignateDNS Service

Shared Services

KeystoneIdentity Service
PlacementPlacement Service
GlanceImage Service
BarbicanKey Management
KarborApplication Data Protection as a Service
SearchlightIndexing and Search


SenlinClustering Service
MistralWorkflow Service
ZaqarMessaging Service
BlazarResource Reservation Service
AodhAlarming Service

Workload Provisioning

MagnumContainer Orchestration Engine Provisioning
SaharaBig Data Processing Framework Provisioning
TroveDatabase as a Service

Application Lifecycle

MasakariInstances High Availability Service
MuranoApplication Catalog
SolumSoftware Development Lifecycle Automation
FreezerBackup, Restore and Disaster Recovery

API Proxies


Web Frontend


Operational Tools

Monitoring services

CeilometerMetering & Data Collection Service
PankoEvent, Metadata Indexing Service

Resource optimization

WatcherOptimization Service
VitrageRoot Cause Analysis Service

Billing / Business Logic

AdjutantOperations Processes Automation
CloudkittyBilling and Chargebacks

Testing / Benchmark

RallyBenchmarking Tool
TempestThe OpenStack Integration Test Suite
PatroleThe OpenStack RBAC Integration Test Suite

Service Add-Ons


StorletsComputable Object Storage

Integration Enablers


KuryrOpenStack Networking integration for containers


TackerNFV Orchestration